Tweet This

Give your site visitors ability to share content to Twitter by simply selecting the text

Post message to Twitter by just selecting the text

After selecting a text, you will just need to click the Twitter Icon to redirect on Twitter to share the selected content.

Pre highlight the text

You can hightlight the specific text in your site with the twitter icon without needing user to select and share.

Blockquote Templates

5 awesome Block templates to tweet the quotes with just a click away 😉

Display Selection

You can choose the choose the icons from our icon and text tempaltes icon sets easily.

Icon Templates

Worried about look and feel of the design? Not to worry beacause we do have beautiful pre designed 7 icon templates.

Icon with text Templates

Worried about look and feel of the design? Not to worry beacause we do have beautiful pre designed 6 icon with text templates.

Post Type specific configurations

You can choose the tweet this to be enabled in specific post types as per your need.

HTMl tags configurations

You can choose specific html tags for which the tweet icon will be displayed after text selection.

Various Tweet Options

You can configure the tweet text to be sent to twitter along with page links and other twitter parameters such as hashtags and twitter mention username.

Layout Customization Options

Couldn't find any templates that matches your theme? Not to worry because we do have custom styling options which shall give you enormous capabilities to change the color as per your need.

Quick Features

Beside many major features, here are some handy and quick features that you might be interested in to look for.


You can customize the text color background color according to your theme color

Enable/disable Form

You can enable or disable Status

All device friendly and
brower Compatibility

We have made sure our forms loads properly in all major browsers including desktop and all mobile devices.


We do provide dedicate support in case you need any assistance or bump into any issues. Our support is available 24/7